One size doesn't fit all. There can never be one sort of apartment that suits everyone's needs. A house that meets my criteria, might not meet yours. At the end of the day, every individual has their individually unique needs and requirements from the place that they wish to live in. There are some factors that every person should consider before setting out to buy or rent out a place. 

Following are the most important factors that need to be taken into consideration:


1.    Do you need an apartment or a house? There are many people who can just never adjust in an apartment. There could be several reasons for that. They feel claustrophobic in a lift, cannot climb stairs, afraid of heights, like more privacy, etc. Some people love having a car porch, front yard and backyard. These people will never feel at home in an apartment no matter how many luxuries come with the place. 


2.    Area. This is a major deciding factor. This decision is based on a few other things. Where do most members of your family work? If 3 out of the 4 people living in the house have to face extremely long and hectic commute, then you need to decide on something that is halfway suitable for all. Some people like happening environment, others like suburbs and quietness. Karachi definitely has places that cater to both needs. But you need to figure out what you want first. 


3.    Which facilities are easily available in the area? You cannot possibly get everything everywhere. When you set out to buy a place to live, no one place will hit all targets on the perfect mark. There are certain things in which you will have to compromise slightly and that is okay if most of your wishes are being fulfilled. If you think that a gated community is something that you absolutely want and cannot compromise on, then you might have to let go of certain things like having access to public transportation such as rickshaws at your doorstep. 

4.    How particular are you about security? Gated communities are more secure than commercial apartments. This is a major factor in a city like Karachi where security is always a huge concern. It is better to make a sane and wise decision after knowing all facts. 

Buying a family home is not a decision that you need to take every day. So it is something that needs to be carefully planned so as to avoid any major regrets. Check out our website for more details on what is available in the market.