When you are going out in Karachi or any other city to buy a property, you need to have your facts in place. You need to be smart about things so that you are not fooled, scammed or ripped off. Actually, that is a fact for many places. So generally, you need to be very street smart in order to make a sensible decision regarding properties.
There are many factors that you need to check when you go out to buy an apartment. Following are the steps that you need to follow in order to land a good apartment:
1. Start with the exterior of the building. Look for any visible signs of wear and tear. If there are any cracks in the very outer walls, that can mean that there is some weakness in the foundation of the building. If the paint on on the outside of the building is peeling, it can mean that the building is either very old or there are seepage and drainage issues.
2. Look for factors such as parking space. Parking is an extremely important factor when considering an apartment. You need to look for things such as whether the parking lot offers sufficient space or not. Another parking factor is whether the parking lot is structured in a safe and sound manner or not.
3. You need to check for security of the building. Some buildings are located in very shady parts of the city. It helps to have an efficient and effective security system in place. That will give you and other residents a sense of peace and calm. In an apartment it is not feasible for every individual apartment to have its own security guard. So you need to make sure that the overall apartment administration has made appropriate security arrangements.
4. Water and gas supply. These are basic necessities for all residential areas. Water shortage is rampant in the entire city of Karachi. Finding an apartment that has an uninterrupted water connection is like finding a needle in a haystack. If you find one, that is a huge perk and you should really look into the other aspects of living in that apartment building.
5. The interior of the apartment needs to be checked in the exact same manner with detailed scrutiny. It should be a thorough inspection that can bring all the faults to light without keeping anything hidden. Check the apartment for any sign of rodent infestation or leaky taps. Any moldy walls or peeling paint is a sure sign of water leakage issue in the building.
We at SabzProperty.com would like our readers to find their dream apartments and houses through our easy to use platform and we are striving to share tips and information that would help you in this regard. Stay tuned to our blog for more ideas.
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