Whether you live in a safest area or a crime-ridden neighborhood, there is always a threat of an incident. Your home should make you feel comfortable and relaxed. So, it needs to be secure against the bad guys. 

You don’t need to invest a lot to make your home secure against threats. Here are a few tips which help to secure your home and your belongings in your absence.

Let’s get started!

1-   Light it up

The best way to prevent a break-in is to light up your outdoor area. You can make use of electronic timer that will automatically adjust the light timing. Place lights along the pathways and garage. Turn the lights on in the bedrooms and kitchen when you are away. 

2-  Lockdown your valuables

Before leaving your home, make sure that all the doors and windows are locked down. You can also install some inexpensive window break alarms. If you plan to leave your home empty, lock your valuables in a safe or transfer them to a trusted friend’s place. 

3-  Take your friend’s help

When you are away on a long vacation, ask any trusted person to stop by your house at least twice a week. Request him to collect your newspapers or important deliveries during your absence. 

4-  Keep the outdoor safe

If thieves can’t access the inside of a house, they can still cost you enough amount. Keep your outdoor haul safe through grills. Don’t leave ladders outside and pack up every tool that helps anyone to break in.

5-  CCTV Security Systems

Your home should have some form of a security system. Whether it is a comprehensive CCTV system, or some kind of monitoring system to keep each movement around the house under radar. Keep stools and ladders away from doors and entrances

6-  Security through plants

You can also use thorny plants as barriers under the windows or above the main gate. Don’t make them look horror but maintain them so they look amazing and keep your home safe every day.

7-  Hide the spare key properly

While hiding spare key, try to avoid obvious locations like inside the vase or under the mat. Try to hide the keys at a distant place.

8-  Make Your Wi-Fi Network Secure

Your home Wi-Fi Network is an entry to your personal and private information. Make it secure and use below steps to make your home and Wi-Fi secure

·      Secure your wireless router and gateways

·      Use firewall to filter the Network traffic

·      Enable WPA Encryption

·      Always use strong passwords

·      Use Antivirus and Malware protection software


9-  Make it look like you are home

Most of the break-ins happen when no one is home. Try to make it look like someone is there in the house. Take smarter steps like turning on the lights or leaving the TV on etc. 

Being aware of potential security risks and taking action and measures early is the best way to keep your home and family safe and secure.


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